Kamis, 30 Oktober 2008

Semarang + The Rains= Thypus!!!


Huhuh....I started my day with the rains. How wet they are. Anyway, this is my assigment. I don't think my teacher will give me compensation. I'm sorry Miss. Approach the test, i traped at busy. Tuesday, in the dark day with dark cloud. I went to campus with the rainy day... I think thats gonna be cold travel. After pass by Jatingaleh, the rainy become big!... Ow...

Finaly, i get cold. Sneezing in the evening make my body down. But, the sneezing had over by medicine. The following day, after back from campus i play with my new friends.Khu khu khu....I get rainy again. After home i catch of cold and warm body. The following day again i went to hospital, absent from class of Mr Sumaryanto. Finnaly i have thypus..khu khu.. How a bad day